Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nail Art

Yeah nail polish. I do enjoy a nice manicure, but never want to fork out the money for one...so I do my own nails. I have become a huge fan of Sally Hanses Insta-Dri (http://sallyhansen.com/products/nails/nail-color/insta-dri-fast-dry-nail-color), it really dries quick, and my favorite part is the brush. It has a nice thick brush! Anyway, I have collected several colors, but I'm going on a tangent now....

Through Pinterest I found this AWESOME tutorial on creating gradient nails...Super neat, and as I found today EASY!! Check it out...


So I gathered up the polishes I decided to use...

I did not take pics of the process, but I did like it explained!!! Here's my outcome

Crappy iPod pictures, sorry... AND I have yet to clean them up ;)

This is what I will do differently next time...

1. Change the sponge more often, I didn't and several of my nails are very rough...it didn't look like the sponge was disintegrating.
2. I need a thinker top coat...I saw that they recommend the gel top coat from the Sally Hansen 5 minute manicure set... 

I will try again another day, but it was fun and REALLY easy!!! A little time consuming though, clear base coat, dry, color base coat (grey), dry, gradient, quick dry, clear coat, dry....

so yeah maybe another day, I will have a much nicer result and take better pictures of it ;)

Signing off for now...just another blogging mom trying new things and posting them for all to read ;)
<3 br="br" rachel="rachel">